Jacobsen + Confurius


Jacobsen + Confurius
Where the name “Jacobsen + Confurius” is used on this website or other publications, it refers to “Jacobsen + Confurius Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Wirtschaftsprüfer Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB”.

Value added tax identification number: DE 196216583 FA HH-Mitte-Altstadt
Partnership register: Register Court Hamburg Local Court PR 287

Hamburg branch
Pinnasberg 47
20359 Hamburg, Germany
Telephone: +49 40 30 20 03-0
Fax +49 40 33 78 20
E-mail: info[at]jacobsen-confurius.de

Berlin branch
Eisenzahnstraße 64
10709 Berlin – Wilmersdorf
Telephone: +49 40 30 20 03-12
Fax +49 40 33 78 20
E-mail: info[at]jacobsen-confurius.de

Partners with sole power of representation
Dr. Per-Ulrich Diehl, Andreas Breezmann, Manfred Confurius, Roland von Loßberg, Justus Leddin, Evelyn Castan, Till Fehr, Jan-Peter Braun, Jochen Stauder, Thorsten Stielow, Jens Baumgardt, Lars-Erik Röder

Managing partners
Dr. Per-Ulrich Diehl, Andreas Breezmann

Responsible for content pursuant to § 18 Sec. 2 MStV: [German Broadcasting Treaty]
Manfred Confurius

All the attorneys at Jacobsen + Confurius are admitted to the bar in the Federal Republic of Germany. Their admission was granted in the Federal Republic of Germany. Competent chambers:

Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg
(Hamburg Hanseatic Bar Association)
Valentinskamp 88
20355 Hamburg, Germany
Telephone: +49 40 35 74 41 0
Fax +49 40 35 74 41 41
E-mail: info[at]rak-hamburg.de

All the tax consultants and auditors at Jacobsen + Confurius are admitted to practice their profession in the Federal Republic of Germany. Their admission was granted in the Federal Republic of Germany. Competent chambers:

Steuerberaterkammer Berlin
(German Chamber of Tax Advisors, Berlin)
Wichmannstraße 6
10878 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 88 92 61-0
Fax: +49 30 88 92 61-10
E-mail: info[at]stbk-berlin.de

Wirtschaftsprüferkammer Berlin
(German Chamber of Public Accountants, Berlin)
Rauchstraße 26
10787 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 72 61 61-0
Fax: +49 30 72 61 61-212
E-mail: kontakt[at]wpk.de

Professional regulations (attorneys)
The profession of attorney is subject to the following legal regulations of the profession: Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO), Rules of Professional Practice (BORA), Specialist Lawyers Act (FAO), German Federal Attorneys Fees Code (RVG), Code of Conduct of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European Union (CCBE-Berufsregeln), Federal Anti-Money Laundering Act (GwG). The full text of these regulations and all supplementary information concerning the profession can be downloaded from the website of the Federal Bar Association (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer) (www.brak.de).

Professional regulations (tax consultants and auditors)
The profession of tax consultant is subject to the following legal regulations of the profession: Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG), implementing regulations on the Tax Advisory Act (DVStB), Professional Code (BOStB), Tax Consultants’ Fees Regulation (StBVV). The full text of these regulations and all supplementary information concerning the profession can be downloaded from the website of the German Chamber of Tax Advisors (Steuerberaterkammer).

The profession of auditor/chartered accountant is subject to the following legal regulations of the profession:
German Auditors’ Ordinance (WPO), Occupational Statute for Auditors/Chartered Accountants (BS WP/vBP), Statutes for Quality Control, Regulation on Document Seals, Professional Liability Insurance Rules for Auditors and Certified Accountants. The full text of these regulations and all supplementary information concerning the profession can be downloaded from the website of the German Chamber of Public Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer).

Professional liability insurance (attorneys)
The Federal Lawyers’ Act obliges attorneys to take out professional liability insurance. The minimum insured sum of a professional liability insurance for partnerships with limited professional liability is EUR 2,500,000.00 per insured event. Further detail can be found in Section 51, 51a BRAO. The professional liability insurance is taken out with HDI Versicherung AG, HDI Platz 1, 30659 Hannover, Germany.

Professional liability insurance (tax consultants/auditors)
The German Tax Consultants Act and the German Auditors’ Ordinance obliges tax consultants and auditors to take out professional liability insurance. Further detail can be found in Section 67 of the Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG) and Section 54 WPO of the German Auditors’ Ordinance (WPO). The professional liability insurance is taken out with HDI Gerling Firmen und Privat Versicherung AG, Postfach 21 27, 30021 Hannover, Germany.

Information for consumers
Jacobsen + Confurius is prepared to participate in a dispute resolution process before a consumer arbitration board (§ 36 (1) of the German Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs Act – VSBG). The competent consumer arbitration board is Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft, Neue Grünstraße 17, 10179 Berlin, Germany (www.s-d-r.org).

The European Commission’s European online dispute resolution platform (OS platform) can be found at OS-platform. Jacobsen + Confurius’ e-mail address is info[at]jacobsen-confurius.de.“

The legal content provided on this website is solely provided for general information purposes. We have prepared this content with the greatest of care. It does not constitute legal advice. We do not accept any responsibility for the completeness, accuracy and currency thereof.

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